Filmsman Productions

We create videos and films for effective marketing

With a spectacular online appearance, we support companies, organizations and entrepreneurs in achieving their business goals and creating attention-grabbing communication

Bring your brand to life with our videos!

Click on the video to play

Why do you have an advantage if you use videos?

Filmsman - közösségi média trendek

Social media trends

Videos now account for 81% of internet traffic and all social media platforms favour video content these days! It is therefore essential to use creative, interesting and valuable film content.

Filmsman - kreatív problémamegoldás

Creative problem-solving

A high-quality, professional video and film can help you achieve your business goals or solve your current marketing challenges!

Filmsman - figyelemfelkeltő kommunikáció

Attention-grabbing communication

The internet is flooded with images and empty words, making it almost impossible to stand out from the crowd with this kind of content. The best way to build trust and attract attention is through a video.

A video is worth a thousand pictures

Filmsman - érzelmek


Videos and films are the perfect tools to convey emotions. Ads like these perform twice as well 

Filmsman - edukáció


The 72% of customers rather watch a video for information about a product or service

Filmsman - elköteleződés


People respond more actively to video content and are twice as likely to share it with their friends 

Filmsman - együttérzés


Show the human side of your business so you can build a strong emotional connection with your customers

Film and video production

Stand out from the crowd with quality communication!

Whether it's branding, sales or other business goals and challenges, you don't have to be a multinational to use video in your marketing and business processes.

Yet surprisingly few people use proper communication. Stand out from the crowd and gain an advantage over your competitors!

Advertising, promotional films

Brand message videos

Testimonial videos

Reklám-, és promóciós filmek
Testimonial videos
Bemutató-, image és HR filmek

Video strategy

Be more efficient and effective with your marketing plan

But which videos exactly should you use? We ask the right questions: what is the purpose of the project/campaign, where should the video be distributed, who is the target audience. All based on current trends to ensure effective communication!

We can create the video content for you if you already have a marketing plan, or we can arrange a consultation to discuss what type of videos would be the best for you.

Product videos

Video strategies

Courses, tutorials

Product videos
Video strategy
Courses, tutorials

Unique video production

Mutasd meg egyedi ötleted a legkreatívabb módon

Do you have a specific idea? Do you want to present the vision of your company to the public? We are open to everything, the possibilities are endless! Unleash your creativity and let's start now!

Event films

Short films


Event films
Short films

Get started today!

Become more visible to your dream clients and finally show what your company is capable of delivering. more than 80% of companies never show their full potential digitally and miss out on business oppurtinuties. Deliver your message in a creative way and enjoy as your marketing becomes successful!

Our passion is creating videos

Our goal is to promote great products, value-creating services and organisations through creative films and videos

Let's create something special together!

We combine our creativity with a results-oriented approach to produce videos and films that can have a tangible impact on the pain points of our clients

1. Discovery phase

We start the video making with your end goal in mind. During a discovery and strategy call we nail down what is the purpose of the video(s).

2. Pre-production

Scripting, critical shot planning and developing a whole distribution strategy with time scheduling for all involved parties

3. Film-Production

Capturing the necessery footage. Filming is always scaled to whatever the size a project requires. We ensure that all cinematography is of the highest quality.

4. Post-production

Editing, color correcting and grading, professional sound design to bring shots to life, and the proper pacing that is sure to keep viewers engaged.

How much does a video cost and what are the first steps?

These are two questions we get very often. Our answer is:

It costs as much as you can afford. It's like marketing. How much should you spend on marketing? How fast do you want to grow? As you can see, it's more about your goals than your costs.

Some companies start with a single video, others with a content plan and several short films. The actual cost of the video depends on the video itself.

A short video or a longer short film, a special location request or just a simple studio shot with a background. There are lots of options, just like when you buy a car. Ferrari or Toyota? Fast or economical, modern or old-school, family or sports car...

What do you need?

Don't worry, we won't leave you alone. Our team will help you with a free call to find the best solution for you, at the best price, based on your own goals.


How much does a video cost and what are the first steps?

These are two questions we get very often. Our answer is:

Annyiba kerül, amennyit csak szeretnél rá szánni. Ez olyan, mint a marketing. Mennyit kell költened marketingre? Milyen gyorsan akarsz növekedni? Amint látod, ez inkább a céljaidról szól, mint a költségekről.

Some companies start with a single video, others with a content plan and several short films. The actual cost of the video depends on the video itself.

A short video or a longer short film, a special location request or just a simple studio shot with a background. There are lots of options, just like when you buy a car. Ferrari or Toyota? Fast or economical, modern or old-school, family or sports car...

What do you need?

Don't worry, we won't leave you alone. Our team will help you with a free call to find the best solution for you, at the best price, based on your own goals.

Filmsman - Kelemen Márton

Márton Kelemen


Hollywood camera techniques, fast paced editing, cinematic color grading and sound design - so our client's videos will live on the internet as best looking as possible

Kata Tihanyi

Online marketing

Social media secrets, video trends, creative ideas and powerful copywriting for the message of the videos to bring results and to be effective


Our passion is creating videos

Ha vevőket szeretnél, erről a módszerről tudnod kell

A sales funnel (vagy értékesítési tölcsér) segít neked vizuálisan ábrázolni, hogy hogyan jut el a vásárlód az érdeklődés fázisától a vásárlásig. Viszont, ami a legfontosabb, hogy hogyan érjük el vásárlóinkat a tölcsér különböző részein.


Contact Us

Start your videos strategy journey today!

If you’re struggling with brand recognition or having trouble getting your message to the right people — we can help! Our video strategists will research your market and come up with the best solution as to how to reach your target audience.